Sunday 27 May 2012

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” 
― Albert Einstein

Every one has a talent. Every one  is good at something. Some of us are athletic, others more academic. Some are good in dramatics, some at caring for others, while some sing very well. Some of us are good at more than one thing.Maybe all of us are good at more than one thing.While some of us discover our abilities early in life, others take time to discover what they may be good with.

 The purpose of education is to prepare us to live fulfilling and meaningful life by discovering and nurturing the intelligence and interests each one of us possess. However, the present system of schooling doesn't help in discovering and nurturing all kind of talents/intelligence that a child may have. Even if one's aptitude is discovered in school, there is very little to nurture it as the schools curriculum is designed to  assess and conduct tests to certify for being good in few academic subjects only. Rest of all are extra curricular. 

We spend 6-7 hours daily for more than a decade in schools. What a loss if this time is not utilized to discover,explore, understand, uncover, understand, practice, experiment and develop to make us proficient in the one or many talents we have. 

In India, we now have RTE (Right to Education) Act, making it compulsory for children from 6-14 years to be educated. We also have various Govt. programs like SSA and RMSA spending lots of money on building schools, recruiting and training teachers for the same kind of Education system which is wasteful and unsuccessful to discover the genius in each child and make him skillful in his aptitude. These Programs are focusing on the coverage i.e. the quantity and the quality and the delivery has not changed. All this effort is wasteful for millions enrolled in school system if they are not able to transform their capabilities into abilities.

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